Friday, September 13, 2013

New Things and First Break

Miller has started a new sport:  fencing!  It is a homeschool class, so he has met a few new homeschool kids.  The first week was learning about the history of fencing and the equipment.  This past week he actually got to gear up and fence! 

Meeting a new friend

This week was our first break!  I can't believe we've been in school for 6 weeks already.  We had a low key week;  catching up on things around the house, and the usual extracurricular classes.  We did spend a few hours at the beach today though.  I took the kids to the south end of Wrightsville Beach and we walked over to the sound side.  Madelyn especially enjoyed playing in the water with no waves.  Our time was cut short when Miller was grazed by a jellyfish!  It was a mild sting but it hurt enough for us to leave and go by the grocery store to buy some vinegar!  Once we poured vinegar on the area, he felt much better! 
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