Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Minivan Express 2013

Last night we took our anual trip on the Minivan Express.  It wasn't much of a surprise to Bailey when we said go get in bed at 6:15, but Madelyn had no idea.  She hopped up and ran off to bed.  (Miller was our helper again this year.  He helped me get the hot chocolate and popcorn loaded before the girls knew what was going on).

Getting their tickets punched

Our friends did their minivan express a few nights ago so they told us the good places to go.  The first house was just wow!  This is the outside.

They let people go inside and tour as well.  Yes, I said inside!  This is their living room.

This is the dining room and kitchen.

This is the hallway.  There was also a bedroom decorated but 2 doors that were closed.  I'm guessing that is where they doing their living during the Christmas season. 

They even had a sleigh and were giving rides to the kids. 

It was like an episode of Hoarders, Christmas style.  They were very nice and you could feel the joy so I'm sure they get a lot of enjoyment from doing this.  When we drove away, the neighbors across the street had a lit sign in their yard that said, "ditto" and had an arrow pointing to that house!  Too funny.
We saw a couple of houses that had a light show set to music.  One was set to Christmas music and the other was set to "What Does the Fox Say", over and over and over...(you'll thank me later for getting that song stuck in your head).
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