Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day of School!

Summer came and went in a whirlwind! I can't believe it's time for school. We started on Monday, August 11.
Our 8th grader (Yikes! Next year it's high school!)
Our 5th grader (Next year is middle school for this girl!)
And our 1st grader! Where has the time gone? We had a good first week. I hope we can keep to the schedule I have because it gives me a good amount of time with Madelyn while Miller and Bailey get their independent work done. We are starting a new, exciting, and somewhat scary (for me) adventure this year. We are starting co-op! A good friend of mine is starting a co-op and there are 9 families involved. We will be doing science, NC History, and writing classes. The age groups are K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. I am teaching K-2 science and believe me, this is way out of my comfort zone but I know it will be a great experience for the kids. A local church is allowing us to use their building. This is really an answered prayer for our family because I knew we needed to get involved in a co-op but I needed it to be beneficial to our school day. We are doing the same science, history, and writing that I had picked out to do this year at home! So not only does it take a load off of our week at home, but it gives us time with other kids and my kids get to experience a classroom setting with someone other than me teaching them.

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