Saturday, August 3, 2013

One Week Down...

I can't believe we have completed week one of school!  It really went by fast.  Everyone did great getting back into the routine.  I'll admit, I'm exhausted!  I enjoyed sleeping in this summer so getting up with the alarm has been an adjustment. 

Miss Madelyn is learning to read and loves to help us cut and glue our lapbooks. Here she is writing her letters. 

Bailey has taken advantage of the freedom of homeschool by reading in every room of the house this week!

Miller doodling while waiting on Mom to give him an assignment

We started off slow (Bible, Language/Literature, Math, and Writing) but we're adding science this coming week (Apologia:  Human Anatomy and Physiology), history the next week (Story of the World Vol. 4: The Modern Age), and spelling the next week. We will also get back into Spanish (Rosetta Stone). 
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